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Watering Schedule

Summer Watering Schedule: April 1 - October 31 

During the summer months (April through October), Cherokee Metro District asks residents to abide by the following watering schedule for their property:

Lawn Watering (Three Times Per Week):

  • Odd Addresses: Tuesday/Thursday/Saturday
  • Even Addresses: Wednesday/Friday/Sunday
  • Maximum Time: Three hours per day
  • Time of Day: Before 10am or after 6pm

Trees, Flowers, Shrubs, Garden:

  • Days of the Week: Any day
  • Time of Day: Customer’s discretion

Car Washing:

  • Days of the Week: Any day
  • Time of Day: Customer’s discretion
Winter Watering Schedule: November 1 - March 31 

During the winter months (November through March), Cherokee Metro District asks residents to abide by the following watering schedule for their property:

  • Odd Addresses: 1st and 3rd Saturday of the month
  • Even Addresses: 1st and 3rd Sunday of the month
  • Maximum Time: Maximum of two hours per day
  • Time of Day: Customer Discretion

Other Guidelines

  • Hand watering of lawns is allowed only on assigned days and times.
  • Car washing allowed with positive shut-off nozzle.
  • No sod/seed permits issued.
  • Non-Irrigation Season: November through March